The music of Colombia

Andean Region of Colombia

The bambuco is a dance and a musical kind, which is considered one of the most representatives of Colombia.  So much that has managed to be recognized as part of the folklore and part of the emblems of this region.  Its origins come from pre-Columbian steps and indigenous dances to the Andean Colombian region. The most common instruments in this kind of music are the flute, the maracas, doggies, bass drum, soprano, guitar, I re-conscript, lira, mandolin.sopranoflauta

Other Andean Genres

  • Bambuco fiestero
  • Bunde
  • Caña
  • Cañabrava
  • Carranga
  • Copla
  • Danza Criolla
  • Porro Antioqueño

Orinoquia Region of Colombia

The joropo is typical music of Colombia and Venezuela, which generally uses the harp, cuatro, maracas and guitar. This type of music has African influences, but also European. In the XVIII century the “llaneros” who inhabited the region of the Llanos, began to replace the word “fandango”, which used to define his music and dance, by the word “joropo”. There are three types of joropo, the joropo llanero, the joropo central, and the joropo oriental. maracas  cuatro

The joropo llanero is played with a harp with nylon strings, a bandola llanera a cuatro and maracas.

The central joropo played with a harp with metal strings, maracas and singing.

The eastern joropo includes additional tools, such as guitar, mandolin, and sometimes oriental bandol.

Other Orinoco region genres

  • Cachicama
  • Catira
  • Chipola
  • Contrapunteo
  • Corrío
  • Galeron
  • Gaván


Insular Region

In the island region, there is no kind of music featured, but there are several types of music you hear in this region such as Calipso, Foxtrot, Mazuka, Mento, Paraise Hymm, Polca, Quadrille, Reggae, Schottische, Soca, Vals isleño, Zouk.reggae2reggaepolca

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